Financial & budget apps: which one to choose and how to use it properly
Do you own a mobile application to manage your money and budget? If not, here are some tips and suggestions.
In this text :
- Our suggestions for mobile financial applications
- Tips on how to use them better
The start of a new year is ideal for resolutions and planning big projects. But you will need the right tools to achieve your objectives.
If training is a must to get back in shape, organizing and monitoring your expenses is essential to financial health.
Fortunately, mobile applications are increasingly user-friendly and make budget management easier than ever.
Before our recommendations for financial apps, here are a few practical tips:
- Download 2 or 3 apps to see which one works best for you.
- Focus on the functions that are essential to your needs.
- A common mistake is to do too much at first, such as creating countless sub-categories of expenses.
- If it’s too complex, you risk neglecting your budget management after a few weeks. These tools should make your life easier, not the other way around!
- An app allows you to enter data and follow up on every transaction instantly. Take advantage of it and try to be consistent.
Its reliability and versatility have made it one of the most popular applications on the market. It offers virtually all the options you may need.
It allows you to link any account from most financial institutions so that your transactions are recorded automatically.
One of its great strengths is its budgeting option. You can program alerts and be notified when you exceed the amount you allocated for a category of expenses.
It may not offer the most intuitive interface, but Wally is a very powerful application for budget management.
It’s a great alternative for those who aren’t big fans of Mint.
Daily budget
Daily budget is perfect for users looking for simplicity.
However, its user-friendliness has the drawback of not allowing you to link your bank accounts.
Zoho Books
For self-employed workers, Zoho Books is a good option to keep track of their invoicing and accounts payable.
For those who prefer to manage their budget in cash, MVELOPES is a very interesting application.
As its name implies, its approach is similar to dividing your budget into different envelopes, one for groceries, one for the car, one for outings, and so on.
Note however that the basic service has a fee.
An exhaustive list of all applications would be far too long. If you can’t find the right one for you among this list, try out others.
The important thing is to find the one that makes you want to keep track of your finances.
Need more assistance with your financial management? Don’t hesitate to contact an MCB Group advisor.